Ashtar The Man From Space (7/7)

April 4, 1995.

These will be the closing remarks about Ashtar for the time being. We will now discuss the difference between the etheric and the spirit type beings.................................................................. ........................................................................

(although the following interview does not involve Ashtar personally, its information is so pertinent, it is included)

Q: "I would like you to give your description of the differences between space people and spirit people. I would appreciate as full an answer as my understanding permits."

Andolo: "The differences are very great, although to the cursory glance it may seem that space people are spirits. However, it all comes down to a matter of the condition in which we dwell. We are etheric beings, in your expression. By this, I mean that we live upon a higher plane of existence. We are not discarnate in the sense of having no bodies. We have etheric bodies which are counterparts of your bodies but which are made of a more tenuous substance, and which are not subject in the same way to gravitational effects. The etheric state in which we dwell is one of many on an evolutionary scale to which we all belong.

"Above us, for example, are beings more highly evolved than us by as great a gap as there is between ourselves and you. This is not meant in any derogatory sense towards you, but merely as a factual statement about the scales on which we dwell. Upon our plane of life we have much the same type of existence as you do, although it is free of the corruptions, crimes and undersirable elements which are to be worked out of a being's karmic life before he may pass into the etheric state. Your earth is a testing ground - one of many hundreds of thousands of testing grounds in the Universe - where beings evolve upwards on the scale of life, working constantly towards the Great One as the ultimate attainment of all existence. We upon the etheric planes pass on to higher planes just as you do from earth, when qualified. this transformation on your plane is terme `death.'

"To us, it is merely a transformer interposed between us and the next level of life to which we will ascend. We will stress once more that the greatest factor in the way of a proper grasp of the true story of life on your planet is the ocnception of death as the end of all existence. Nothing could be further from the truth. Upon your plane, you must serve out an evolutionary period before you can ascend to higher worlds. The fleshly bodies which you have asr part of a plan to aid your working through this scale of existence. At your level you must endure savage crimes, wars, strife and violence, and the Great One, in His wisdom, has seen fit to use the fleshly body as the most convenient method of taking care of this almost elemental stage of existence.

JW That's all folks for now.

Part 7 of 7.

John Winston.

Original file name: 95.04.05 Ashtar The Man 7

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